Soil Mechanics and Foundation Sheet 12
1) Question.
The ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural content of a soil to its plasticity index, is known as
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2) Question.
The liquidity index (in percentage) is given by
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3) Question.
The consistency index is also known as relative consistency.
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4) Question.
The consistency index is given by
[where = Plastic limit, = Plasticity index, = Liquid limit, and w= Natural water content of a soil]
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5) Question.
A soil is in a semi- solid state, if the consistency index is
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6) Question.
When the consistency index is zero, then the soil is at its
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7) Question.
Toughness index is the ratio of
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8) Question.
A soil with consistency equal to one is at its ..... limit.
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9) Question.
A sample of soil has liquid limit 45%, plastic limit 25%, shrinkage limit 17% and natural moisture content 30%. The consistency index of the soil is
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10) Question.
The shear strength of a soil in the plastic limit is ....... than that in the liquid limit.
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11) Question.
The time 't' required for attaining a certain degree of consolidation of a clay layer is proportional to
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12) Question.
A completely saturated normally consolidated clay is tested in a triaxial test under consolidated undrained condition. The value of pore pressure coefficient at failure, is fiven by