Soil Mechanics and Foundation Sheet 28
1) Question.
If the proportion of soil passing 75 micron sieve is 50% and the liquid limit and plastic limit are 40% and 20% respectively, then the group index of the soil is
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2) Question.
The standard penetration resistance N of a granular deposit is found to be 20. The soil can be classified approximately in terms of and density index respectively as
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3) Question.
A raft of 6 m x 9 m is founded at a depth of 3 m in a cohesive soil having . The ultimate net bearing capacity of the soil using Terzaghi's theory will be nearly
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4) Question.
Ratio of bearing capacity of double Under Reamed (U.R.) pile to that of single U.R. pile is nearly
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5) Question.
With a vertical point load on the surface when considering the vertical plane passing through the load, the stress gets reduced by 52.3% at a depth of
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6) Question.
Consider the following:
1. Initial consolidation
2. Primary consolidation
3. Secondary consolidation
4. Final consolidation
The three stages which would be relevant to consolidation of a soil deposit includes
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7) Question.
Consider the following statements:
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) in soils is the most commonly used field test. SPT is used to determine
1. consistency of clay.
2. un-drained shear strength of soft sensitive clay.
3. relative density of sands.
4. drained shear strength of fine loose sand.
Of these statements
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8) Question.
Which one of the following tests cannot be done without undisturbed sampling?
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9) Question.
A good quality undisturbed soil sample is one which is obtained using a sampling tube having an area ratio of
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10) Question.
Consider the following statements associated with local shear failure of soils:
1. Failure is sudden with well-defined ultimate load.
2. This failure occurs in highly compressible soils.
3. Failure is preceded by large settlement.
Of these statements