Railway Sheet 09
1) Question.
Maximum wheel base distance provided on Indian B.G. tracks, is
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2) Question.
Rails are bent to correct curvature if the degree of curve, is more than
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3) Question.
If L is length of a rail and R is the radius of a curve, the versine h for the curve, is
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4) Question.
Anti-creep anchors are fixed to rails by
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5) Question.
For providing the required tilt of rails, adazing of wooden sleepers, is done for
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6) Question.
Rail tops of a track are placed
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7) Question.
Coning of wheels
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8) Question.
Coning of wheels is provided
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9) Question.
Distance between inner faces of the flanges, is kept
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10) Question.
Wheels of a rolling stock are provided flanges on
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11) Question.
Stretcher bar is provided
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12) Question.
Maimum value of 'throw of switch' for Broad Gauge track is
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13) Question.
Swith angle depends on
i) heel divergence
ii) length of tongue rail
iii) flangeway clearance
iv) throw of switch
The correct answer is
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14) Question.
Switch angle is the angle bewtween
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15) Question.
One degree of curve is equivalent to
Where R is the radius of curve in metres.
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16) Question.
A Broad Gauge branch line taken off as a contrary fleure from a main line. If the superlevation required for branch line is 10 mm and cant deficiency is 75 mm, the superlevation to be actually provided on the branch line will be
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17) Question.
If R is the radius of circular curve, then the versine on a chord of length C is given by
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18) Question.
The shape of transition curve used by Indian Railways is
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19) Question.
The compensation for curvature on gradient for Metre Gauge is given by
Where R is radius of curve
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20) Question.
Cant deficiency occurs when a vihicle travels around a curve at