Railway Sheet 07
1) Question.
Composite sleeper index determines
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2) Question.
If S and H are strength and hardness index of a timber at 12% moisture content, the composite sleeper index, is
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3) Question.
Spacing of sleepers
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4) Question.
The standard dimensions of a wooden slpper for M.G. railway track are
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5) Question.
The standard dimensions of a wooden sleeper for a B.G. railway track are
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6) Question.
Minimum packing space provided between two sleepers, is between
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7) Question.
If n is length of a rail in metres, the number of sleepers per rail length generally varies from
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8) Question.
Burnettising is done for the preservation of
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9) Question.
Wooden sleepers used on the girders of bridges, are generally made of
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10) Question.
Best wood for wooden sleepeers is
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11) Question.
Normally maimum cant permissible in Metre Gauge is
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12) Question.
The steepest gradient permissible on a curve for Broad Gauge line having ruling gradient of 1 in 200 is
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13) Question.
The limiting value of cant deficnency for Metre Gauge routes is
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14) Question.
Vertical curves are provided where algebraic difference between grades is equal to or
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15) Question.
Normally the limiting value of cant is
where G is the gauge
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16) Question.
The limiting value of cant gradient for all
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17) Question.
The limiting value of cant excess for Broad Gauge is
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18) Question.
The desirable rate of change of cant deficiency in case of Metre GAuge is
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19) Question.
Pandrol clips cannot be used with
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20) Question.
The formation width for a railway track depends on the
i) type of gauge
ii) number of tracks to be laid side by side
iii) slope of sides of embankment or cutting
The correct answer is