Highway Sheet 14
1) Question.
Hill roads are
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2) Question.
Prapet walls along hill roads, are provided
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3) Question.
Along a hill road, a side drain is provided on
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4) Question.
In retaining and breast walls, weep holes are provided at
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5) Question.
Retaining walls are generally constructed with dry rubble stones with 60 m to width and
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6) Question.
The wall constructed for the stability of back filling portion of a road on the down hill side, is known as
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7) Question.
The wall constructed for the stability of an excavated portion of a road on the hill side, is known as
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8) Question.
Normal formation width of a hill road for one-way traffic, is
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9) Question.
Formating wideth of a hill road is the distance between
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10) Question.
A gradient along with the vehicle does not require any tractive effort to maintain a specified speed, is known as
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11) Question.
The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is -
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12) Question.
A traffic survey revealed the present average daily traffic of commercial vehicles as 1000. The annual rate of growth of traffic is found to be 8 percent. The pavement construction is to be completed in three years after the last traffic count. Then the number of vehicles for design of rigid pavements will be taken as -
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13) Question.
The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to -
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14) Question.
The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid pavements is -
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15) Question.
The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid pavements is -
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16) Question.
Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at -
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17) Question.
The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is -
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18) Question.
Critical load position in a rigid pavement design is taken as -
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19) Question.
Main drawback of CBR method is that it -
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20) Question.
In highway construction on superelevated curves, the rolling shall proceed from