Estimate and Costing Sheet 7
1) Question.
The correct prismoidal formula for volume is
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2) Question.
The assumption on which the trapezoidal formula for volumes is based,is
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3) Question.
In the mid-section formula
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4) Question.
If the formation level of a highway has a uniform gradient for a particular length,and the ground is also having a longitudinal slope,the earthwork may be calculated by
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5) Question.
If B is the width of formation.d is the height of the embankment side slope S:1,for a highway with no transverse slope,the area of cross-section is
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6) Question.
The cross sections for a highway is taken at
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7) Question.
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
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8) Question.
The diameter of a domestic sewer pipe laid at gradient 1 in 100 is recommended
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9) Question.
The height of the sink of wash basin above floor level is kept
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10) Question.
The value of 'B' of Indian type W.C. shown in Fig. is: