Environmental Engineering Sheet 16
1) Question.
Consider the folloiwng statements about waste stabilization ponds:
1. The pond has a symbiotic behiaviour of waste stabilization through algae
2. The oxygen in ponds is provided by algae through photosynthesis
3. The detention period for waste stabilization pond is of the order of two to three days
4. The bacteria, which develop in the pond, are aerobic becteria.
Which of these statements are correct?
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2) Question.
Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is getting destroyed owing to its reaction with
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3) Question.
If in a test conducted for determining relative stability, the period of incubation at is t days, the relative stability in % is given by
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4) Question.
Shrouding is provided in
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5) Question.
The maximum velocity occurs in an egg shaped swer when the ratio of depth of flow to vertical diameter is
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6) Question.
Incrustation of the tubewell pipes may result in
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7) Question.
In the design of grit chambers
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8) Question.
Chlorine is used in the treatiment of sewage to
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9) Question.
To divert excessive flow from combined sewers, the most commonly used weir is a
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10) Question.
The biochemical teatment of sewage effluents is essentially a process of
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11) Question.
Zeolite is -
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12) Question.
The lime soda process of water softening -
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13) Question.
By lime soda process, hardness can be reduced to less than -
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14) Question.
The permanent hardness of water can be removed by -
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15) Question.
The temporary hardness due to calcium bicarbonates can be removed by -
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16) Question.
The permanent hardness in water is caused due to the salts like -
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17) Question.
The temporary hardness in water is caused due to the salts like -
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18) Question.
The percentage of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is -
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19) Question.
Bleaching powder is -
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20) Question.
In orthotolodine test, safe residual for drinking water is indicated by -