Environmental Engineering Sheet 12
1) Question.
The efficnency of a semimentation tank does not depend upon
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2) Question.
If present in water, chlorination of water does not reduce the
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3) Question.
Two samples of wter A and B have pH values of 4.4 and 6.4 respectively. How many times more acidic sample A is than sample B?
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4) Question.
Blue baby disease (methemoglobinemia) in children is caused by the presence of excess
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5) Question.
Temporary hardness in water is caused by the presence of
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6) Question.
When Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is more than Adiabatic Lapse RAte (ALR), then the environment is said to be
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7) Question.
When the Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR) is more than Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR), can be called as
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8) Question.
If the actual height of a stack is 150 m and plume height is 8 m, then the effective height of the stack is
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9) Question.
The height of chimney required for effective disposal of 27 kg/hr of emission is
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10) Question.
The permissible standards of air quality fixed in India for residental areas for SPM,
, NO and CO in
11) Question.
To express sound levels in decibles, sound pressure levels are usually adopted on a reference scale of
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12) Question.
Rate of filteration of a slow sand filter ranges from -
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13) Question.
Cleaning period for a slow sand filter is taken as -
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14) Question.
After cleaning the slow sand filter, the filtered water should not be used for a period of -
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15) Question.
The slow sand filter should be cleaned if the loss of head becomes more than -
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16) Question.
Which of the following statement is correct? -
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17) Question.
The under drainage system in a rapid sand filters -
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18) Question.
The under drainage system in slow sand filters -
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19) Question.
The coefficient of uniformity for slow sand filters is -
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20) Question.
The effective size of sand particles for rapid sand filters varies from -